Instructor Spotlight: Nick Italiano

Nick Italiano, founder of Black Flag Survival, has transformed his passion for the outdoors into a thriving educational platform.

Written by: Patrick Diedrich
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Profile photo of Nick Italiano.

Nick Italiano, the founder of Black Flag Survival, is an avid outdoorsman with a wealth of experience and knowledge in wilderness survival. His journey began in earnest nearly a decade ago with the creation of an Instagram page, which has since blossomed into a comprehensive online platform dedicated to outdoor education and gear reviews. Nick’s passion for the outdoors is evident in his extensive work, ranging from written articles to practical survival courses.

About Nick Italiano

In 2022, Nick co-founded the Black Flag Outdoor Academy alongside Tom “Nuge” Nugent. The Academy aims to equip beginners with essential survival skills, emphasizing the importance of the right mindset, skill set, and gear set. This initiative reflects Nick’s commitment to making the outdoors accessible and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of their experience level.

Nick Italiano in the forest with his wife.

Nick’s teaching philosophy is grounded in the belief that there are no true wilderness experts, only lifelong students. This perspective fosters a community of learners who grow through shared experiences and mutual support. The Academy’s weekly podcast, launched in early 2023, further reinforces this ethos by discussing relevant topics and encouraging ongoing education.

Nick’s approach to wilderness survival is practical and inclusive, encouraging individuals to embrace the outdoors safely and confidently. His dedication to education and his ability to inspire others make him a standout instructor in the field of outdoor survival.

Learn more about Nick Italiano and his latest endeavors at:

Nick Italiano in a green forest with one of his children.

Nick Italiano Highlights

  • B.S. Environmental Science
  • M.S. Environmental Policy
  • Certified First Aid
  • Wilderness First Aid
  • Herbalist Certification – Herbal Academy
  • University courses in foraging and botany
  • Post grad course work in ecosystem and wildlife management
  • GORUCK Constellation courses (urban survival, escape and evasion, and austere/combat medicine)
  • Vargold Survival Courses
  • Nature Reliance Courses
  • Basic Survival – Pathfinder school.

Interview With Nick Italiano

Vargöld: Can you share the story behind the founding of Black Flag Survival and what inspired you to start it?

Nick Italiano: Black Flag started as an Instagram page back in 2017, just to share my love of knives, gear, and the outdoors. As it began to grow I decided to develop it into more a of gear review and educational platform when we launched the website in 2020. 

When I was 12 I got lost in Olympic National Park while hiking—I got into a fight with my cousin and decided to head back to the cabin. The result was me getting turned around, being lost for hours, and drinking parasite infested water until I was eventually found by Rangers when I finally made it out to an access road. From that point, I decided that if I was going to continue spending time in the Great Outdoors that I would make sure I had the skills to be safe and survive.

How did your career transition from the financial industry to focusing on outdoor survival?

I worked in Finance for a long time, but always spent all my free time exploring the outdoors and developing my skills. Due to several health issues, I had to leave the industry. Even before I left, Black Flag was growing and I was dedicating more time to it. Once I started running Black Flag full time, I had already built a solid following and I focused more on producing educational content and partnering with other businesses and educators in the outdoor survival space to bring more content to my audience.

What specific experiences in nature helped you realize its importance for your mental and physical health?

Nature is the greatest healer. As an herbalist I have learned about the incredible potential that wild plants and fungi have to not just improve our wellness but also heal our wounds, treat infections, and so much more. 

After leaving the financial industry, I took a deep dive into nature. I moved from urban NY to rural CT and now spend almost everyday in the woods. This has had a tremendous impact on my health, and while it wasn’t a full cure for everything going on, it has greatly reduced my symptoms and allowed me to continue to live a productive life.

Nick in a snowy forest with on of his children.

Can you describe the role your family played in your journey towards a more outdoor-focused lifestyle?

When I was young my parents and extended family spent a lot of time outdoors. We spent many weekends fishing, traveling to Bear Mountain, and finding new places to explore. Our vacations took me to places like Yosemite National Park, Everglades National Park, the woods of Maine, and the Rain Forests of the Southern Caribbean. 

My wife and two children have always been a major part of our outdoor lifestyle. We spent many weekends hiking and exploring the amazing trails and wilderness places—in the Northeast and around the country—as we traveled. We have seen the glaciers of Alaska, hiked through the Great Smoky Mountains, explored Shenandoah National Park, drank the water from sprawling underground caverns, and so much more.

What challenges did you face when moving from a fast-paced city life to a rural setting in Connecticut?

Surprisingly, very few. Moving here felt like coming home to where I have always belonged.

How has your background in Environmental Sciences influenced your approach to wilderness survival and outdoor education?

My education has influenced me greatly. Having an understanding of how ecosystems function and how each organism interacts with the environment, and one another, gave me a stronger desire to connect and be part of those ecosystems.

My approach to survival and wilderness education is one of interconnection and understanding of the natural world. Armed with this knowledge it becomes easier to adapt and understand unknown places, find resources, remain safe, and increase your overall enjoyment of the great outdoors.

Nick Italiano teaching foraging skills.

What are some of the most valuable survival skills you teach through Black Flag Survival?

I believe mindset is the most important aspect of survival and can improve the development of most skills. I always strive to help people Understand the “why” behind everything that we do in the wilderness.

As mentioned above, the piece about the interconnection and understanding of the natural world is paramount. Through greater understanding and respect of the natural world around us we can do more than just survive, we can thrive!

Can you discuss any significant health improvements you’ve experienced since embracing an outdoor lifestyle?

Overall my mental health has increased dramatically. I’ve seen a drastic reduction in stress and feel more at peace. 

Physically I am in better shape, having lost weight, built strength and increased my stamina.  As mentioned I’ve seen a reduction in the physical symptoms of the neurological conditions I have.

How has your work in herbalism complemented your survival skills and personal health management?

I first started studying herbalism to try to find better ways to manage my health conditions that conventional medicine did not have good solutions for. I found much more than that. I found ways to heal wounds, prevent infections, enhance my immune system, reduce stress, lower cholesterol, and more.

Herbalism is sort of like the bushcraft of medicine. We have all the resources we need to keep ourselves healthy all around us. We just need to know how to find them and use them.

Nick Italiano in the snow with one of his children.

What advice would you give to someone looking to make a similar lifestyle change towards prioritizing nature and outdoor activities?

Get out there and do it! Yes, it can be intimidating to abandon modern comforts, but embracing an outdoor lifestyle greatly simplifies your life and you will quickly find that much of the stuff that used to stress you out isn’t really that important. Experience life everyday, the way it was meant to be experienced!

How do you balance teaching practical survival skills with fostering a deeper appreciation for nature?

Honestly I feel like they work hand in hand. It’s a matter of perspective. People often have this idea of conquering the wilderness, but it’s much easier to live and survive in sync with nature than it is to try and control it.

Can you share a memorable story from your survival courses or personal outdoor adventures?

I have so many!

Beyond first tale of getting lost, which was a beautiful and terrifying experience, I have so many experiences that were amazing lessons.

One that really stands out is when we were hiking Mt. Ascutney in Vermont. On the way down from the summit, the trail was wet and rocky. I was on the outside of the path closest to the edge to that the children would be closer to the interior. At one point I lost my footing, but was able to maintain my balance and avoid a drop that would have ended me.

The lesson here is two fold: First, complacency kills. When we are in the wilderness, one misstep and lead to tragedy. You must always pay attention, be focused on the task at hand, and be prepared for the worst. Second, is the importance of physical fitness. Having appropriate physical strength and balance ultimately saved my life.

Nick in the cold during a Georgia Bushcraft event.

How has the community around Black Flag Survival grown, and what impact has it had?

The outdoor community had been a huge factor in the success of Black Flag Survival. There are so many people and businesses that really go out of their way to help and support others.

Seeing that is so inspiring and because of that I have always worked to do the same!

Can you describe any collaborations or partnerships that have been particularly impactful for Black Flag Survival?

First and foremost I’d have to say the Ryan and Lindi from Knife Pivot Lube really helped me get started. They were the first people to hire me to do writing work and they brought me to Blade Show with them to help out at their booth and gave me the opportunity to meet so many people.

Working with Tom from Knives by Nuge has been huge for me. He is just so motivated and driven watching him build his business is so inspiring. Beyond that we help each other, discuss ideas, and come up with ways to grow our businesses together. We started the Raise The Flag Podcast together, and later brought in Heather from PNWBUSHCRAFT as a co-host and she was an awesome addition!

The Campfire Co-Op has been an amazing resource as it gave me the opportunity to meet and work with so many like minded business owners like you! 

Overall, I am grateful to every single business owner that has taken the time to give me advice, folks like Reuben Bolieu who takes the time to help me better market my writing skills as well as all the businesses who trusted me to review their products or trust me to give them business development advice.

What legacy do you hope to leave through your work with Black Flag Survival?

Nothing would make me happier than to see my passion for the great outdoors transferred to other people, this is how we keep what’s important to us alive for generations to come!

Nick Italiano with his son at a Boy Scout event.

What future projects or goals do you have for Black Flag Survival?

I have so many ideas floating around my head! But for now I’d like to continue to write and take on larger writing projects as well as continue to develop education projects to keep motivating people to get outdoors!

Beyond education as a business, I also volunteer as a scout leader and aim to give these kids the best possible experiences and teach them real skills.

Closing Thoughts

Nick is a testament to the healing power of nature, and to the amazing feats one can accomplished when buoyed by like-minded others. His passion for learning, and sharing his wisdom and experience with others is what makes the outdoor community such a great place!

We are thrilled to host his very own course here on Vargöld: Introduction to Foraging

Before You Go!

Enhance your survival and self-reliance skills before attending an in-person course:

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